"I came across AnouMe whilst working at a large global financial services firm where they were applying their skills to support a team and international business unit facing significant change challenges.

Straight away I recognised the passion and energy they had for change, in achieving delivery outcomes, and more importantly, on how those outcomes were achieved and if they were sustainable.

As always the appetite for change across team members and even team leaders was mixed. Barriers were many, created by the individuals’ reluctance to change or organisational confusion and inertia. AnouMe, however was able to engage effectively with everyone involved. At worst, some small changes were achieved, but at best, they really changed the behaviours and approaches of key players to the point of recognition by peers and colleagues.

The team approach overall moved to become more outcome-focused, with a better perception of pace and client experience, while individuals became more self-aware and engaged in their development.

As a business owner, I recognise the importance to organisations of their people being open to change and interested and engaged in the value they bring to successful outcomes and the personal reward and achievement they gain from that.

In my experience, the value that AnouMe brings is that they change both the people and the culture of the businesses they work with, maximising the potential for sustainable change and long-term success."