30's | COACH & HEALER | UK

"I had THE most incredible one-to-one intuitive reading with the amazing Depika in which she helped me to shift some lingering stuff that was stopping me from moving forward in certain areas of my life - namely showing up and shining my light!

She was able to intuitively guide me into a time in the past when I hid my light, and then she helped me heal that memory. It was amazing, and the ripple effect of that one call has been reverberating ever since! I was able to start showing up and sharing my own intuitive and healing gifts in a much bigger way, and I felt so much lighter about my life path!

I would highly recommend Depika.

She has such a beautiful warmth to her that made it easy for me to trust her instantly. She's so easy to chat to, to open up with, and she gets right into the heart of what you need to know.

Thanks again, Depika, for such an incredible session. Xxxx"