

This 30mins healing journey is design to strengthen your boundary muscle, raise your level of awareness of boundary leaks & what you are blocking yourself from receiving.


Live recording from November 2020 - Read below for more information.


This is not your normal guided visualisation meditation it is a journey that is designed to create powerful changes in your life by shifting old stagnated energies, mental & emotional blocks. With the purpose to expand your consciousness, aligning you with your truth and grounding you into your body.


  • Boundary management is a practice that evolves as our self awareness & love expands. It is a muscle that strengthens over time the more it is used the easier it becomes to sense the fine line that often gets crossed before it gets crossed.

  • Having healthy boundaries is less about pushing toxics people/things away. Rather it’s about loving yourself, and redirecting your focus, intention and energy to invite in and receive love. Releasing the patterns, programmes that blocks you from receiving

  • Honouring boundaries - It's not like we don't have any boundaries most of us do. We often know what they are too. However it is in the moment where we need to honour them we find ourselves dishonouring them. By walking over them ourselves and getting frustrated and annoyed at the person or situation (in the first instant) then at ourselves.

    • Have you ever experienced this?

    • Have you ever wondered why this pattern keeps repeating itself?

  • Giving freely is something many of us enjoy doing and it’s a beautiful way to serve love. However when we don’t have boundaries ‘giving freely’ becomes ‘over giving with unconscious unspoken hidden expectations’. This leads to exhaustion, overwhelm, resentment towards ourselves and others.In our over giving we unconsciously seeking validation, love, to be seen/heard and acknowledged.

    • Do you give freely or over give with unspoken expectations?

Additional Information

This tracks was recorded live (just my voice) as part of the November Energetic Alignment Special were I guided a group of people online on an intimate. If you need additional guidance and support after listening to these tracks please join the Energetic Alignment Community and receive a link to the private Facebook group were I will be able to provide you with additional support.

If you are not sure if this is for then join the community and gain access to 4 free guided visualisation meditations