Posts in ENERGY

WOW! How fast is time going and WOW what a month March is going to be!

The energies this month and messages from the guides are jammed pack with healing energies that are helping us to evolve from a state of doing to a state of being.

The heart is very active this month as is continues to open, expand and access new levels of connection with the cosmic heart & soul as we step into new levels of LOVE through frequency

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Holy moly not sure about you but I feel like I have experienced a years worth of growth in the space of 1 month.

There is a very powerful force moving through us this month that will have major shifts and changes to our relationship dynamics with ourselves and others.

The energies are pushing us to birth anew by relaxing, opening and surrendering to the process at the same allowing what needs to die, die.

The direct messages from the guides this month are extremely potent. Take your time listening to them by dropping into your heart centre, opening your heart and grounding. Allow yourself to receive the transmission.

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There is an energy of BIG CHANGE in the air this month! There is a sense of expansion into the new and a sense of contraction into the old. It is BOTH AND!

There is a HUGE SHIFT in evolutionary consciousness as new light enters the planet most intensely around 25-28th November.

Some of us will be caught up in the crumbling & tumbling of the old. And some of us will be propelled forward through this FULL FORCE forward momentum energy! EXCITING TIMES!!

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The energy this month is going to be a mixture of stormy waters and calm waters depending on how much of the step change energies we have integrated.

We are in the process of riding the waves of change & transformation.

Some of us will still be feeling the hangover of the increases in light frequency hitting the planet from the powerful eclipses, solar flares, new moon & full moon energies from September - Ground + Listen to your body + Breathe deeply!!

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The energy this month is going to be both chaotic and exciting and it will feel like our breath has been taken away.

We are in a karmic clearing process where karmic lesson learnt are being cleared creating space for more of our soul's energy to come into alignment.

Over the coming months many of us will experience connection with our soul groups, family, friends and mate and this will both be an exchange of energetic gifts as paths cross and separate and birth of new communities /collaborations as paths merge.

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The energies this month are going to be a bit wild, bonkers and chaotic. For some the fast pace nature will be a welcomed as there is a sense of freedom and liberation with it. For others it will feel like an earthquake as things that we are no longer in alignment get shaken up and moved out of our energy field.

The first 2 weeks of August feels like a resting place before it all starts to kick off. It feels like there will be a shift in the Earths energy around 22nd August which will feel like a step change.

Then there will be 3 weeks for it to settle before the next step change around 15th September, then 6 weeks for this energy to integrate before another step change around 2nd November.

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The energy this month is getting faster and it will feel like we have stepped into a new world.

Some of us are going to feel expanded states of peace, stillness, love & abundance that flows with ease. However some of us will also experience extreme chaos, fear, control & manipulation.

Are you operating from the inside out or the outside in? This will determine your experience.

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The energy this month is going to move super fast as we learn to navigate a new way of being in our bodies and mind.

There is a strong heart expansion energy moving through us and the more we can drop into our hearts the more we will be able to find this sense of stillness and peace.

There is an opportunity this month to harness the energy of forward momentum with ease as we integrate what we learn and take the next step forward.

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The energy this month feels very different from previous month's there is a sense of excitement in the air even though some of us will still be processing and moving through the energies of the previous 2/3 months.

There is a new forward momentum energy that starts to move in at the beginning of this month. By the end of the month, many of us are going to feel like we have  propelled forward in our lives.

There is an opportunity this month to harness the energy flow of abundance.

There is an opportunity to let go of the old and step into the new. The question is 'can you be comfortable with being uncomfortable?'

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The messages from the guides in this month's insight will feel like medicine for the soul. Reminding us of who we are on a soul level.

The energy this month may feel a bit wobbly, tight and intense as we are currently sitting on the precipice of some powerful change and transformation energies.

There is an opportunity to let go of the old and step into the new. The question is 'can you be comfortable with being uncomfortable?'

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The energies this month are going to be a mixture of the energies that played out in October 2023 to February 2024. It is a very exciting fast moving month leading us to the key popping moments coming at the end of March/beginning of April

The energy of fear will be amplified this month. So it will be really important to take time to go within and understand what is being triggered within you. What wound/trauma needs your attention, kindness, compassion and love to help you feel safe from within?

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A year like no other! Are you ready for the ride? There is no going back! We are stepping into a whole new way of being.

The energy this month feels dynamic & colourful we are going to be propelled forward and will start to experience life in ways we haven’t done before!

The month may start a bit slow for some of us but from the 11th Jan things will have a forward momentum and from 24/25th it’s all systems go.

The final plot twist is still playing out until end of January and it has a plot twist within it… guides say it will be a nice surprise.

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There is a energy of completion in the air that we are all moving through it will feel tender at times and exciting.

Many of us will feel this stop start motion which started in November.

There are 2 key dates where we will experience a 'push forward'

  • 21st December 2023 - 'Go Live'

  • 24/25th January 2024 - 'Go Live Support Complete'

Message from the guides: - ‘Through your heart you must lead. Cycles are almost complete. Your destiny awaits’

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A different type of insights this month pack with messages directly from the guides.

We are still in the integration phase where our systems are in the process of being reconfigured so that it can be fully operational by the end of January 2024.

Message from the guides: - ‘The Void is a place to take refuge. It will feel very uncomfortable for those that have never known safety’

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OH WOW - it is going to be a very powerful month where the bridges between worlds become more in balance and alignment.

The energies of the four elements air, fire, earth and water will be supporting us this month helping us through the transformative energies, clearing us and nourishing us.

We will gain greater clarity of our soul’s journey its purpose, lessons, soul friends and soul mates.

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he plot twist energies are helping us to make quantum jumps in our timelines. These energies are training us to trust in ourselves, to trust in our soul’s journey. We are becoming more aware of who we are on a soul level and it is happening through our human experience. The energies this month are helping us to align more to who we truly are and clear out the energies, conditioning and programming that we not!

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he plot twist energies are helping us to make quantum jumps in our timelines. These energies are training us to trust in ourselves, to trust in our soul’s journey. We are becoming more aware of who we are on a soul level and it is happening through our human experience. The energies this month are helping us to align more to who we truly are and clear out the energies, conditioning and programming that we not!

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